
A Foot or an Inch?

When we bought our house a year ago both the front and back yard were in pretty bad shape. There were weeds the size of trees and massive dead grass spots all over the place. Gabe and I worked really hard at getting our front yard presentable but ran out of time to focus on the back.

Now that spring is here we figured we better get to work on the back yard soon, especially since we are having our little guy this summer and he will eventually need a big yard to play in. A big yard of lush, green grass not scratchy weeds that is. I will share some grass growing pictures with you another day but for now, we can talk about these lovely shrubs.

As we were shopping around Home Depot for project needs, I thought it would be fun to get some green shrubs. Our backyard has been in need of a little color boost since half of the yard is still dirt (patiently waiting on those grass sprouts). I saw these pretty oleander shrubs and thought that the cute pink flowers and pretty green leaves would compliment my blue $6 plastic pots. When we got home I read the plant info on the back of the tag and realized I had made a small mistake. The tag said that these shrubs grow anywhere from 6' to 10' tall and 10' wide ( ' means feet, not inches), but for some reason I read that a little differently while I was looking for my shrubs at Home Depot. I even asked Gabe if he thought our pots were wide enough to hold a plant that might grow up to 10 inches wide... oh silly me! Needless to say, these shrubs have a new home along the side of our fence. I can't wait to see how pretty they are once they reach their 6 to 10 feet.

P.S. I really think the picture on the front of the shrub tag was deceiving and made me think inches, not feet. Why would they put such a large shrub in a pot??? Come on guys!

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